Frequently asked questions and information about fermenting
- What is the difference between OG, FG and SG?
- Can you use the kits to make apple cider vinegar?
- Can I add additional sugar to sweeten my cider?
- What should my ABV be?
- My Gluten Free beer is too hazy, how can I fix this?
- What should my SG Reading be?
- The airlock has stopped bubbling before 7 days is up. Is something wrong?
- How long can I leave my beer in the fermenter after the SG reading is stable?
- If my house is warmer/colder than the recommended fermentation temperature. What should I do?
- My cider smells eggy/Sulphur-like is this normal?
- Will the lower or upper end of the recommended temperature ranges for fermentation, give better results?
- My beer has finished fermenting but is cloudy?